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The main goal of ICBEN is to promote a high level of scientific research concerning all the aspects noise-induced effects on human beings and on animals including preventive regulatory measures, and to keep alive a vivid communication among the scientists working in that field. The means to achieve this goal are mainly based on its unique structure. The founders of ICBEN were wise enough not to concentrate the responsibility on the president of ICBEN but to delegate it primarily to the ICBEN Teams, in particular to the very experts who are appointed at the beginning of each 3-years term. As these experts are familiar with the state of the art in their respective research area, they are expected to build and to chair a team of qualified scientists actively working in that field. The Chair-/Co-Chairpersons take care for a vivid communication among the members of the team and are expected to design the program of the next congress.

Current officers

Charlotte Clark, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology
Population Health Research Institute
St George’s, University of London
Cranmer Terrace | Tooting | London | SW17 0RE
| United Kingdom 

Vice President
David Welch, PhD
Associate Professor
Audiology Section
School of Population Health
University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand

Michael Smith, PhD
School of Public Health and Community Medicine
Institute of Medicine
University of Gothenburg
Box 414
Gothenburg 405 30, Sweden

Past President
Mark Brink, PhD, PD
Senior Scientist, Lecturer
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
Noise and NIR Division
3003-Bern, Switzerland


(approved: September 1978; last revision: October 2023)

The name of this organization shall be the "International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise" (also referred to as the ICBEN or the Commission). The working groups within the ICBEN shall be the Teams.

The object of the Commission shall be to encourage international cooperation in the study of the biological effects of noise; to promote communication among scientists, governmental agencies, industrial workers and managers, and other parties and entities concerned with noise and noise effects; and to stimulate the exchange and dissemination of information about the biological effects of noise.

ICBEN adopts the following definition of the term "noise": Noise is unwanted and/or harmful sound.

The officers and the Executive Committee are authorized to solicit funds in support of the activities of the ICBEN.

ARTICLE IV. Officers
Section 1. Appointment. The officers of the ICBEN shall be the President, the Past President, the Vice President, and the Secretary, each to serve for three-year terms. The Executive Committee, by a majority vote, shall elect (or re-elect) the President, Vice President, and Secretary. Announcement of these appointments shall be made during the business meeting that is held during the Congress. Following the announcement, the President shall assume the office of Past President. No person shall hold the same office for longer than two terms.
Section 2. Interim Appointments. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President should an interim vacancy in that office occur. After consultation with the Executive Committee, the President shall appoint a new Vice President or a new Secretary should an interim vacancy in either of those offices occur. An interim appointee in any office shall serve the remainder of the three-year term and shall be eligible for a full-term appointment to the same office. A vacancy in the office of Past President shall remain vacant.
Section 3. Removal from Office. Should the Executive Committee determine by a two-thirds majority that any officer is performing the duties of office inadequately, it may remove that person from office and elect another person to complete the term. The new officer shall be eligible for a full-term appointment to the same office just as any interim appointee would be.
Section 3.1. Should the President determine that the Chair or Co-Chair of any Team is not performing his/her duties, then, with the support of the majority of ICBEN Officers, the President may remove and replace that Team Chair or Co-Chair.

ARTICLE V. Executive committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers, all former Past Presidents of ICBEN, the Chairs and Co-Chairs of the Teams, and no more than 10 other people ("Members at large") appointed by the President of the ICBEN. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision over the affairs of the ICBEN and the ICBEN Teams and shall perform such other duties as are specified in this Constitution.

ARTICLE VI. Meetings
Section 1. Congress. The ICBEN shall conduct a congress every third year. The proceedings of the congress shall be published.
Section 2. Business Meeting. A business meeting shall be scheduled during each congress for the purpose of announcing the appointment of new officers, of nominating new Team Chairs and Co-Chairs, and of receiving reports; and for any other business that might arise. Additional business meetings can be called any time by the President. Only Executive Committee members can attend and participate in the business meetings, aside from invited guests. Only Executive Committee members have the right to vote in business meetings.
Section 3. Other Meetings. Conferences for planning the Congress and meetings that may be useful or necessary for conducting the business of the ICBEN may be called by any officer or by any five members of the Executive Committee.
Section 4. Notice. Written notice of any meeting must be sent to every member of the Executive Committee at least four weeks prior to that meeting. The notice should include information about the time and place of the meeting and should also include a statement of the meeting's purpose.

Section 1. Formation. With the approval of the Executive Committee, a new Team may be formed to study and to communicate information about a special aspect of the biological effects of noise. Each Team shall be responsible for the portion of the Congress program that is dedicated to surveys, reviews, and studies of that special aspect for which it was formed, as well as for communications with governments, industries, workers, scientists, and other concerned parties and entities both as part of the Congress program and as part of the Team's work during the period between Congresses. Each Team (via the Chair and Co-Chair) must contribute to the organisation of the Congress.
Section 2. President and Vice President. With the approval of the Executive Committee, the President of the ICBEN shall appoint a Chair and a Co-Chair for each Team. These two people shall not be citizens of the same country except with special authorization from the Executive Committee. No person shall serve as Chair or Co-Chair of a Team for more than two three-year terms.
Section 3. Team Membership. With the approval of the Executive Committee, the Chair and Co-Chair of each Team shall appoint Team members. There is no set limit to the number of members of a Team. There is no set limit to the number of members from any one country. Any member of a Team becomes a member of ICBEN itself.

ARTICLE VIII. Alumni Members
Team members and Commission officers, upon the completion of their terms, become Alumni Members of the ICBEN and should be kept informed of Team and Commission activities and, when appropriate, should be consulted by Team Chairs and Co-Chairs.

ARTICLE IX. Sponsorship and Affiliation
The Executive Committee may, by a two-thirds vote, elect to accept sponsorship for the ICBEN, for any Team, or for any ICBEN or Team activity from any other organization. The Executive Committee may, by a two-thirds vote, elect to accept affiliation with any other organization.

ARTICLE X. Amendment of the Constitution
Any amendment of this Constitution shall require the affirmative vote of two thirds of the members of the Executive Committee.  

Agreed policy positions for ICBEN

POSITION I. Changing policy
Policy positions may be changed by a simple majority vote of the ICBEN Executive Committee.

With the changes away from limiting the number of members in the Teams and the number of members from one country, Team Chairs and Co-Chairs explicitly aim to maximise the number of countries represented in their Teams.

ICBEN aims to develop stronger links with other international organisations, including WHO and I-INCE.

ICBEN aims to address noise research and policy issues of concern to developing countries.

Team Chairs and Co-Chairs are required to produce an overview paper summarising developments in their field prior to the ICBEN Congress.


Past and current officers of ICBEN:

Term Past President President Co-President Secretary
1973-1978   G. Jansen W.D. Ward J.V. Tobias
1978-1983 G. Jansen J.V. Tobias H.E. von Gierke J. van den Eijk
1983-1988 J.V. Tobias H.E. von Gierke E. Gulian A. Muzet
1988-1993 H.E. von Gierke A. Muzet E.A.G. Shaw B. Berglund
1993-1998 A. Muzet B. Berglund S.J. Thompson B. Griefahn
1998-2003 B. Berglund B. Griefahn W. Passchier S.R.F. Job
2003-2008 B.Griefahn S.R.F. Job P. Lercher S.A. Stansfeld
2008-2011 S.R.F. Job S.A. Stansfeld C. Giguère M. Basner
2011-2014 S.R.F. Job S.A. Stansfeld C. Giguère M. Basner
2014-2017 S.A. Stansfeld M. Basner M. Brink S. Janssen
2017-2021 S.A. Stansfeld M. Basner M. Brink S. Janssen
2021-2023 M. Basner
M. Brink D. Schreckenberg
Ch. Clark


Past congresses:

1973 Dubrovnik, former Yugoslavia Ward WD (ed), 1973: Proceedings of the International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 13-18, 1973. EPA 550/9-73-008, Washington [Proceedings as ZIP file]
1978 Freiburg, Germany Tobias JV, Jansen G, Ward WD (eds), 1980: III. International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem. Freiburg, Germany, Sept 25-29, 1978. ASHA Reports Nr. 10, Rockville, Maryland [Proceedings as ZIP file]
1983 Turin, Italy Rossi G (ed), 1983: Noise as a Public Health Problem. Turin, Italy, June 21-25, 1983. Edizioni Tecniche a cura del Centro Ricerche e Studi Amplifon, Milano [Proceedings as ZIP file]
1988 Stockholm, Sweden Berglund B, Berglund U, Karlsson J, Lindvall T (eds), 1988: Noise as a Public Health Problem. New Advances in Noise Research. Stockholm, Sweden, August 21-25, 1988. Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm [Proceedings as ZIP file]
1993 Nice, France Vallet M (ed): Noise & Man '93. Noise as a Public Health Problem. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress. Nice, France, July 5-9, 1993. Institut National de Recherche sur les Transport et leur Sécurité, Bron [Proceedings as ZIP file]
1998 Sydney, Australia Carter N, Job RFS (eds), 1998: Noise Effects ’98. 7th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem. Sydney, Australia, Nov 22-26, 1998. Noise Effects ’98 Pty: Sydney [Proceedings as ZIP file]
2003 Rotterdam, The Netherlands De Jong, R.G., Houtgast, T., Franssen, E.A.M., Hofman, W.F. (eds). ICBEN 2003 - Proceedings from the 8th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, June 29-July 3 2003, Rotterdam [Original homepage] [Proceedings]
2008 Connecticut, USA Griefahn, B. (ed). ICBEN 2008 - Proceedings from the 9th Congress of the International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise, July 21-25 2008, Mashantucket CT  [Proceedings]
2011 London, UK Griefahn, B. (ed). ICBEN 2011 - Proceedings from the 10th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, July 24-28 2011, Imperial College, London [Proceedings]
2014 Nara, Japan Yano, T. (ed). ICBEN 2014 - Proceedings from the 11th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, June 1-5 2014, Nara, Japan [Proceedings]
2017 Zurich, Switzerland Brink, M., Basner, M. (ed). ICBEN 2017 - Proceedings from the 12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, June 18-22 2017, Zurich, Switzerland [Proceedings]
2021 Virtual Congress
Proceedings from the 13th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, June 14-17 2021, Virtual/Stockholm, Sweden [Proceedings]