Title | Presenting author |
EEG correlates of environmental noise impact in daily life | Dick Botteldooren |
The specific demands of people on the acoustic environment in working status with complex cognitive tasks | Jing Chen |
The rate of the occupational noise-induced mental workload at medium levels | Ebrahim Darvishi |
Traffic noise and violent crime: empirical evidence from England | Xiangpu Gong |
The value of control for acoustics in open plan offices: a case study | Jack Harvie-Clark |
The interactions between Signal-to-noise ratio and Reverberation time in speech intelligibility and learning | Staffan Hygge |
Overall environmental assessment with soundscape and landscape indices in urban parks | Hyun In Jo |
Just noticeable difference of ISO 3382-3 metrics for open-plan office noise | Hyun In Jo |
A Novel Representation of the Noise Attribute for Discrete Choice Valuations of Aircraft Noise | Florian Kindermann |
Differential effects of irrelevant speech and environmental sounds on short-term memory in children and adults | Larissa Leist |
Is speech something special? - The physiological, psychological, and performance influences of speech and wideband steady-state noise | Jenni Radun |
Active noise-cancelling headphones in offices | Jenni Radun |
Review of research on the effects of noise on cognitive performance 2017-2020 | Sabine J. Schlittmeier |
Perceptions of noise at work and road traffic accidents | Andrew Smith |
Perceptions of noise exposure, information overload, and the wellbeing of workers | Andrew Smith |
Noise exposure, satisfaction with the working environment, and the wellbeing process | Andrew Smith |
Effects of noise, clonidine and idazoxan on eyemovements | Andrew Smith |
A study of differences in ERP under meaingful of meaningless noise by multivariate analysis | Takahiro Tamesue |
Noise in indoor swimming pools: Insights from a survey and acoustic measurements | Lisa-Marie Wadle |